爱的行动原名:This Is What Love in Action Looks Like,
In the summer of 2005 a 16yo Memphis, TN wrote on his MySpace blog about his parents sending him to a "Fundamentalist Christian" program that strives to turn *** teens straight. This documentary follows the inspirational story of this teens local community standing up for their friend with daily protests at the facility in what would become an international news story. The docu...
V_Lachesis 2013-01-12
堆砌得没逻辑的大篇幅interview完全可以是一天拍完的,看着一堆15岁的小孩lecture你,其最强理论根据=“it's not cool",再同情那个 被送到改造营的小帅哥的**会不禁质疑:孩子们,少搞点**,多读点书去吧;导演啊,纪录片不能拍成新闻访谈啊。