The X-Effect在线观看和下载

The X-Effect(2006)

别名:The X Effect / The XEffect / MTV The X-Effect / 分手后遗症 / 前妻前夫后遗症

演员: Eugene Long Thomas Bridegroom ... Himself - Host




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《The X-Effect》剧情内容介绍

《The X-Effect》


The X-Effect又名The X Effect、The XEffect、MTV The X-Effect、分手后遗症、前妻前夫后遗症

If you were reunited with your former love, would you close the door on the past or re-kindle the flame? This is just the question that MTV's new show The X Effect asks. We invite two exes and their current significant others to a romantic resort for what both couples thing will be a weekend of romance, heartbreak and revelations. Once we get there, however, only the exes are i...

申公豹 2013-06-05

绝对是丧心病狂的真人秀,比moment of truth更加残酷更加没有节*……因为往往里面就直接真开始*了……

andyliu 2013-12-22

***去了 我却实在找不到这部电影

机智的你 2011-09-03
