The World's a Stage with John Neville在线观看和下载

The World's a Stage with John Neville(2007)

演员: 约翰·内威尔 Guy Sprung Brent Carver Ian Deakin Judi Dench



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《The World's a Stage with John Neville》剧情内容介绍

《The World's a Stage with John Neville》


The World's a Stage with John Neville原名:The World's a Stage with John Neville,

While John Neville may be best known for his film and television roles, The World’s a Stage with John Neville tells the story of John’s lesser known but greatly influential role in the theatre world. Neville began his career in England working with greats such as Sir Laurence Olivier, Dame Judi Dench, Sir Ian McKellen and good friend Richard Burton. Turning his back on Burton’s...