

演员: Tom Baker Louise Jameson John Leeson




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神秘博士:造日者原名:The Sun Makers,

黑桃生 2021-09-22

反抗线平平无奇的经济殖民故事,外来者打破work units产出**放进空气使所有人失去反抗之心的死循环,**中透着呆的反派还算有趣。跟K9下棋还瞎晃TARDIS耍赖不认输的博士好可爱

Ziggy 🇵🇸 2021-01-02

The Doctor intervenes and topples yet another regime! But this time it's via the most overt ever call for worker's unite and revolution in the entire show history (The War Games and The Happiness Patrol came close) so you can't exactly apply the usual "western imperialism" bullocks here. To be clear the story isn't very good, the plot is very ******, no twists, and the joy of worker emancipation is told in dialogue instead of shown. The budget clearly can't match the sense of scale the story deserves. But you got to give Holmes for sticking relentlessly every possible line towards evil corporate overlord who considers everything (including disposable human lives) through the lens of profits.

c.cornix 2023-12-29

你們劇經費再不足也有執著和匠心,比如the Collector那根根分明的精緻眉毛 Leela大展身手 The people should *slaughter* their oppressors! 但是4帶領**就微妙地令我遲疑了 感覺他是獨立搞破壞的類型

Olsen 2021-10-05

Robert Holmes的剧本总是有更多深度。比较喜欢这一集,高压的反乌托邦社会,外星人用经济手段压榨人类的劳**,但反抗军内部也有懦弱、粗暴、随波逐流等不足。反派纵然**,又带着一种荒诞的滑稽感。简洁明快的布景很有未来感。大概没有任何人可以威胁Leela吧……

杯具的诞生 2012-09-26

这集由于木有字幕,看得那叫一个痛苦……不过剧情印象中不错。总觉得这里的那个反派也演了六任的the vengeance of varos里那个反派,具体得查查

SundanceKid🌈 2015-06-04

Get back yo your place under your own sun.这集Leela气场两米八!几个恶人演得实在滑稽...博士和K9下棋惨败哈哈哈