圣路易小子原名:The St. Louis Kid,
Trucker Eddie Kennedy gets involved with the law when he has an car accident with Ann Reid and knocks the owner of a dairy out. He evades a penalty when he claims, that he had done it as an act of solidarism with the farmers. The farmers start an ******* action against this dairy, so the owner has to bring milk from elsewhere to his dairy, but the farmers closed the road, and K...
Virgil 2023-06-04
卡车司机卷入(制造)乳业危机。卡格尼搭档我喜欢的**buddy sidekick詹金斯,萌度加倍。而且卡格尼被**打耳光这事儿居然还会传染……笑死我了,可惜这部的女主不是我喜欢的类型(想念Blondell)。剧本可以再飞一点,明显感觉有**的影响
megaclubdiolis 2020-06-25
全国各地kid系列hhhhh 情节真是紧凑,一小时多一点儿塞了这么多剧情进去,所以也就显得黑帮很**的样子。对田园生活的向往也是演员的心声,质朴又美好,sigh
c.cornix 2024-08-07