吸血鬼归来原名:The Return of the Vampire,
When Scream Factory announced they were releasing The Return of the Vampire, I didn't think much of it, because I thought I saw it already and didn't love it all that much. Turns out I was thinking of Mark of the Vampire (which also had Bela Lugosi), and had never actually seen this one! He didn't play a vampire as often as you might think (in fact, in Mark he was only pretendi...
巽凌 2017-02-12
烂得深得我心 Cast:Frieda Inescort;Nina Foch
451½°F™ 2020-03-21
UlyssesJo 2021-06-08
……除了卢高西外其余角色演员给我感觉都像路人一样 真的木 尤其那个怎么看都觉槽多无口的山寨狼人和这主仆关系的设置 简直败笔 另外这片战争背景是用来搞笑的吧
姜汇源果汁好喝 2023-05-01
柳山羊 2023-05-28