This documentary talks about the one and only doctor in Clay County, Georgia. Basically it talks about how fucked-up the medical and insurance ****** of the US are. 挺佩*导演的执行力,单枪匹马完成了整部纪录片的拍摄,为了省钱更是开车十几个小时来往拍摄对象诊所,呈现的画面和声音效果也不差。映后谈里有谈到他每次都会在房间多个角落放收声设备,后期还用了AI软件来处理声音(?
mauvaisang_ 2023-10-27
This documentary talks about the one and only doctor in Clay County, Georgia. Basically it talks about how fucked-up the medical and insurance ****** of the US are. 挺佩*导演的执行力,单枪匹马完成了整部纪录片的拍摄,为了省钱更是开车十几个小时来往拍摄对象诊所,呈现的画面和声音效果也不差。映后谈里有谈到他每次都会在房间多个角落放收声设备,后期还用了AI软件来处理声音(?