The Laughing King
A young man arrives in Blackpool, the seaside town of his childhood. Unable to reconcile the happy memories of his past with the bleak reality of the present - he determines to end his life. But can a chance encounter with a girl also in trouble be enough to pull him back from the brink of ******* and give him hope for the future.
冬叶 2017-12-21
Surprisingly warm&soothing. Colin fit the character perfectly. What it conveys is exactly what I aimed for in a short film in which I took part 3 yrs ago. I guess I was way too ambitious in that 5-min short. The mood needs time to be built up.
芳草碧莲天 2021-03-15
same old same old, this gloomy little island. / 这种死法看上去挺不错(如果不考虑水入肺的痛苦 / 我决定**,并不草率,我又决定继续活,也并不草率,哪怕两件事只隔一念之差
莫北 2019-04-24
无片酬出演,Col对lonely and lost and damaged character真是一如既往地钟爱
jjisjiajia 2017-01-16
洛夕成成 2016-04-10
15分钟微电影 科总演的超棒 太虐心了 太压抑了 好在黑暗尽头总有一丝光亮
80日四畳半1周 2017-05-28
花絮袭人 2019-04-07
一直想看的短片,终于在油管上看了。Colin完美,角色完美。但是主题太... ... 尤其是想到挖煤... ...没有人救他... ...
安西尼费两锭 2017-10-13
救了别人来救赎自己 冰冷的海滩太英国了
呼啦啦 2020-11-03
陈翊 2018-01-19