2020年的选择:特朗普VS拜登原名:The Choice 2020: Trump vs. Biden,
In the midst of the historic coronavirus pandemic, economic hardship and a reckoning over racism, this November Americans will decide who leads the nation for the next **** years: President Donald Trump or former Vice President Joe Biden. Ahead of the 2020 election, FRONTLINE’s critically acclaimed series “The Choice” returns with interwoven investigative biographies of both me...
绿色毛衣 2022-10-08
经典PBS纪录片,川普和拜登“it’s really a choice of persona and personality”
k-pax 2020-12-13
花 2024-04-04
20240404 川普居然还演过真人秀omg... 这就是跨界政客的魅力吗 装腔作势 利用危机和冲突 一个不折不扣的showman 他完全知道如何dominate别人 好喜欢你啊表演型人格 娱乐已然成为美国政治的核心部分 战斗才是生活最好的状态 老拜登战胜先天性口吃说实话挺nb的 “白人的命matters”“黑人的命也是命” 可是当你们的命都很重要的时候 不也意味着都不重要了吗
我叫皮埃尔 2021-02-17
在線觀看地址:https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1F54y1k7UE 前面部分給我的感覺很客觀,後面明顯傾向拜登多一點,總體梳理還算客觀吧。
あなた 2022-10-06
"Now a deeply divided nation will decide. Policy is not the choice that's on the ballot this year. It's a choice of character. It is a choice of temperament. It is a choice of persona and personality. That's always a factor in our presidential campaigns, but I don't think it's ever been as big a factor as it will be in November."
ck龟 2020-12-12