兄弟会原名:The Brotherhood,又名Stirpe di sangue
Overview Director:David DeCoteau Writers:Barry L. Levy (writer) Matthew Jason Walsh (writer) Release Date:25 September 2001 (USA) **** Genre:Horror **** Plot:The fraternity "Doma (House of) Tau Omega" has found a key to eternal youth without having to become blood-drinking vampires. Will they be able to recruit Chris, an innocent and perfect newcomer? full summary | add synopsi...
BullshitArtist 2021-03-29
全片只有一个女主角 还是打酱油的 戏路就像卡戴珊上interview的那种风格 其余全部是帅哥 一个比一个帅 **上身 行走的荷尔蒙 而且长相都很**款 像是***+cult版流星花园 如果当年**也有流星花园 这个F4男团绝对火
风会带着丢起飞 2011-01-21
偶然在优酷上发现过一次,就再也找不到了TAT 在*******上看了,卡归卡不过sean fairs太美啦! 不过麼神马基**段,郁闷!
Oak 2023-01-22