探长雷布思 第一季在线观看和下载

探长雷布思 第一季(2000)


演员: 约翰·汉纳


更新时间: 08-29 01:32

资源状态: 可播放



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《探长雷布思 第一季》


探长雷布思 第一季原名:Rebus Season 1,

Detective Inspector John Rebus is a hard drinking, unkempt, womanizing police officer whose *** is his whole life. He is the most senior and most experienced DI at his station. He has a mysterious past that his partner DS Siobhan Clarke learns about from time to time through various comments Rebus makes. She is a young woman who wants to succeed, but does not have much of a per...

fvej 2023-07-05

Caledonian gang realness. But the detective line is way too uneven, such an empathetic cop with little caution.

南洲鳙鳙 2012-08-23


Kirsten7 2015-03-12

John真的是很招人喜欢的,也很适合颓废警察的角色,Elementary里面的**者有点吓到我了。最忘不了的还是第一次看到他饰演Miss Marple里面那个菜鸟警察,嫩嫩滴,和Miss Marple道晚安时说的:“Night Night”,感觉就像一对萌萌的母子,好有爱~

KAPO 2020-04-19

rebus太甜太暖太vulnerable了 可惜第二季就换主角 人设成这样 KenStott感觉接班困难

kian 2014-12-26

John蜀黍那呆萌的酥格兰口音 真是欢深 因为之前看了A touch of cloth 搞的我老是出戏

斯维里加洛蟹 2012-02-16
