太阳狗原名:Сонячний пес,又名Sun Dog
Remarkable graduation film from KASK in Ghent with an entirely unique style. Fedor is a young locksmith in Murmansk, a frozen **** in the darkness of the Russian arctic. He wanders from ****** to ****** through the concrete alleyways driven by a fantasy that isolates him from the **** and its inhabitants. His dreams erode his sense of reality, opening the door to a phantasmagor...
Lycidas 2020-11-14
[Deleted] 2020-12-15
momo 2020-02-01
Kassy 2021-07-12
冬旅人 2021-09-06
补标:so unique,长镜头营造的梦游感与极地长夜完美契合。难以形容的作品,极为鲜明的作者性。
🌝 2020-12-05
1.俯拍横移(被雪覆盖的铁路 房子空无一人)好***冷2.7个太阳
Pincent 2020-12-13
78/100 #LincolnCenterND/NFVirtual# 又是一部超验主义的,引导视线,像一场索科洛夫式的苏俄旧梦。
Mr. Lei 2021-06-23