泰克尔的奇迹原名:Miracolul din tekir,又名The Miracle of Tekir
In the heart of the Danube Delta, superstition and religion are mixed together, like the earth and water that make up the mysterious mud from Tekir’s area, not far away. Chased away from her village because of her mysterious pregnancy, Mara finds herself employed at the Tekir Hotel, providing treatment for infertile women using this miraculous mud. As she meets the rich and ecc...
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2018-11-04
胤祥 2016-03-22
Ruxandra Zenide第二部,还是Dorotheea Petre主演,还是多瑙河三角洲的故事。从瑞士归来、试图怀孕的**尼亚**,与少女-泥土的链接,恰好带出了所有的隐喻,但片中的宗教/奇迹却正是一种[少年PI]式的隐匿残酷事实的方式,虽然没有给出清晰的解释,但不少东西仍流于表面的猎奇。总之不及上一部……