“We’re gonna need (independent journalism) going forward, and it needs us to safeguard the truth.” All governments lie或者all ***** lie...虽然有点“耸动”,但通过这部纪录片了解到了I.F.Stone精神留下的深远影响和宝贵遗产。
HPC. 2019-05-09
伽罗姬 2017-04-09
There are two types of journalists, the ones who care, and the ones who don't. 心疼新闻专业的朋友一分钟。
基瑞尔 2017-05-19
“We’re gonna need (independent journalism) going forward, and it needs us to safeguard the truth.” All governments lie或者all ***** lie...虽然有点“耸动”,但通过这部纪录片了解到了I.F.Stone精神留下的深远影响和宝贵遗产。
HPC. 2019-05-09
伽罗姬 2017-04-09
There are two types of journalists, the ones who care, and the ones who don't. 心疼新闻专业的朋友一分钟。
颜秋 2018-11-19
因Kevin而来,油管生肉。影片试图以平和 理性的基调讲述zf的罪孽,却无力改变什么。你们知道zf怎样讲述你们的弱点么,they don’t (need to)(−_−#)对不明就里的吃瓜群众来说,他们显然还不明白,解决zf撒谎等问题,无法籍由对抗解决。看得远一些,文明。因此,他们无论在历史中还是现实里,都像极了whining babies。