Sven Klangs kvintett又名Sven Klang's Combo
"In a town in southern Sweden, Sven Klang decides to enliven his dance combo with a new sax player, Lasse from Stockholm. At first all goes well; but bit by bit Lasse brings into question all the rigid values, musical and social, by which the faintly supercilious Sven has set his life's course. Gunnel, the vocalist, falls for the newcomer's charms and finds herself pregnant whe...
杨浦小囡 2021-06-06
故乡的晨曦 2021-05-27
1958年的瑞典。在一个省级小镇上,有一支乐队每周两次演奏舞曲。所有决定均由乐队无可争议的**者Sven Klang做出。萨克斯管演奏家Lasse加入了一个新成员。他开始批评Sven的决定,质疑他们如何分配钱,他还希望他们更多地成为爵士乐队。 这是一部爵士乐得分很低的电影。挪威**画家克里斯托弗·尼尔森(Cristopher Nilsen)将其命名为他的《爵士爵士书》的主要灵感来源。正如熟悉动画片的人会知道的那样,这种灵感应该涉及爵士文化中阴暗的一面。稀有出源,文艺佳片棒