苏菲灵魂:伊斯兰教的神秘主义音乐原名:Sufi Soul: The Mystic Music of Islam,
For hundreds of millions of Sufi followers worldwide, music is at the heart of their tradition and a way of getting closer to God. From the Whirling Dervishes of Turkey to the qawwali music of Pakistan, Sufism has produced some of the world's most spectacular music celebrated by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Dalrymple's film traces the shared roots of Christianity and ***** in...
沐桑邑 2012-06-22
“蘇菲”(Sufi)一詞係***語音譯,其詞源有多種說法。一說源自***語“賽法”(Safa),意為“心靈潔靜和行為純正”,一說源自***語“賽伕”(Saff),意為“在**麵前居於高品位和前列”,一說其品質類似先知****時代稱為“蘇法” (Suffah)部落的人,苦行禁*,虔誠禮拜,與世隔絕。
water 2018-02-23
真正的和平要靠音乐来赢得 (●'ω'●)丿❤
张八折 2020-09-21
Ethnomusiocology in North Africa and Middle East
晓口袋 2017-06-11