受审视的生活:哲学就在街头巷尾原名:Examined Life: Philosophy is in the Streets,又名反思生活:哲学就在街头巷尾、反思生活
"The unexamined life is not worth living." — Socrates Examined Life pulls philosophy out of academic journals and classrooms, and puts it back on the streets. Philosophers have long done their best thinking when directly engaging with the outside world, not in isolation from it. Socrates roved the Athenian agora, courting trouble with the authorities. Rousseau immortalized his ...
Xinwei 2010-09-11
momo 2012-08-29
柏林苍穹下 2014-12-09
****猪大肠 2014-12-18
念念 2015-02-11
1. The "Others" 2. The morality of spending money 3. Cosmopolitan. 4.Justice of governance for the young, the elderly and the disabled 5. intensely alive and intellectual interrogation 6. Revolution and transformation of human nature 7. 自然是巨大物质灾害的残骸 不做判断 仅作参考
吴邪 2023-01-27
街头编排意义不大,哲学家们说了不少干货,Cornel West很能唠,Zizek自带喜感,Judith Butler的明星步伐… Cornel West对Blues&Jazz的看法很精彩,raw, funky, stanky stuff of life is what blues and jazz do. 很棒的socially isolated but intensely alive. 拿书砸墙的那种alive. Zizek说应该cut even **** roots in nature, 怎么保留poetry?垃圾美学…好笑心酸但也有道理 "America is a romantic *******, a very fragile democratic experiment."
arlmy 2018-04-28
4.28 领会无意义本身就是一种**。我们尚未切身地理解灾难,而这非常重要。自我归属感的高贵(an elegance of earned self-togetherness)。原始的、近似糟乱的垃圾和**的堆砌中,会出现美与爱……
一叶 2015-01-12
****, this should be a serial.
格布 2015-05-30
星之继承者 2010-07-25