**的偶像。这集剧本不错,前两集气氛铺陈地很好。原定标题The Day God Went Mad更贴切,而The Face of Evil是那总统山般的博士头像,大约也意指博士也有的黑暗面,他残留在AI里的意志将自己视作上帝,发狂开始主宰。老板女伴里Leela真是个特别的存在
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2020-12-28
Some most chilling visuals (and sounds) overtly evoking freud; the doctor partially responsible for a dialectical eugenics; the consequence of colonial intervention going terribly wrong and the Doctor still doesn't care in the end; the parallel between doctor and Leela in relationships to "their people"; possessing ridiculous mannerism seen as "not being primitive" yet they're no better than the ones they deem "savages"
Dr.WizardLuna 2016-01-09
杯具的诞生 2012-09-26
黑桃生 2021-07-20
SundanceKid🌈 2015-05-24
**的偶像。这集剧本不错,前两集气氛铺陈地很好。原定标题The Day God Went Mad更贴切,而The Face of Evil是那总统山般的博士头像,大约也意指博士也有的黑暗面,他残留在AI里的意志将自己视作上帝,发狂开始主宰。老板女伴里Leela真是个特别的存在
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2020-12-28
Some most chilling visuals (and sounds) overtly evoking freud; the doctor partially responsible for a dialectical eugenics; the consequence of colonial intervention going terribly wrong and the Doctor still doesn't care in the end; the parallel between doctor and Leela in relationships to "their people"; possessing ridiculous mannerism seen as "not being primitive" yet they're no better than the ones they deem "savages"
c.cornix 2023-11-14
Leela是可愛的耶 刀憑本事脫身我就跟Leela一樣驚訝 看著看著就忘了此人不是吉祥物(箭術是和退爾學的 那明明也是傳說人物 怎麼新版又寫什麼不相信羅賓漢存在 很難評 刀一個疏忽造成了極荒唐的後果,但他只是修完計算機就走了,不愧疚,也沒有留下善後。一切都剛剛好。我喜歡4,因為他從不自詡全能,他坦率於人無完人,他做力所能及的事,也容忍失敗。宇宙的不確定性對他來說是新奇、驚喜和魅力所在,而不是威脅、毀滅或厄運的徵兆。 想念4th的時候就去看看他的總統山吧!***