死亡尖叫,玛丽安娜原名:Die Screaming, Marianne,又名Die, Beautiful Marianne
After their parents divorce, one daughter lives with her mother in England while the other lives with her father in Portugal. After the untimely death of her mother, the one daughter stands to inherit a large sum of money and also a number of documents containing information that will incriminate her father, who was a crooked judge. While her father wants the documents, her sis...
一方海墨 2021-09-23
我以为片名是德语,看完还在琢磨为什么全片没一个德语词但是要用德语片名…… 后来发现片名不是THE Screaming Marianne,是*** Screaming Marianne…… (剧透:但是唯一一个没***的主角就是Marianne。) 行吧。我怀疑只有我能眼(脑)瘸成这样…… 友邻燕子贡献了今日punchline:一***多用。
皮特沃克的这部相当平庸 节奏缓慢 剧情过于莫名其妙 只有苏珊乔治可以看看
TrentChi 2013-11-12
恩..这片子又快又慢,节奏是慢的,快的是还没找到有什么值得琢磨的点就结束了!~~不过一切都无关紧要,我是为了看Barry Evans的,他总是那么淡定,无论台词多么挑逗/挑衅,总之因为他整个过程超级享受!~~~~喜欢Barry Evans的人可以到这里下载他的作品:****://***.douban****/group/topic/45839928/