水彩艺术原名:Sheila Hancock Brushes Up: The Art of Watercolours,
绮丽景致总能激起画家的灵感,英国画家走遍世界描绘美景,他们没有使用传统的油彩,而是使用水彩。Sheila Hancock为您讲述水彩艺术的魅力。 Watercolours have always been the poor relation of oil painting. And yet the immediacy and ******* of painting in watercolours have made them the art of adventure and action - even war. It has been an art form the British have pioneered, at first celebrating the greatest landscapes of Europe and then recor...
只能修改一次 2020-09-20
挺好的温温柔柔的入门篇 讲英国水彩 讲讲欧陆的灵感 挺不错。可是Sheila Hancock 被Andrew Graham-Dixon比下去了
Jarek 2019-11-10
小清明 2018-05-07
合纥 2018-05-14
再换个名字 2018-05-08
没有进行过多设计的纪录片 简单粗糙 短暂的历史/随意地采访 像是旅行中的随手一拍…收获了什么呢 大概是追求经典严肃庄重艺术的自我证实吧…