

别名:The Lost World of Communism: An Oral History of Daily Life Behind the Iron Curtain



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失落的共产世界原名:The Lost World of Communism,又名The Lost World of Communism: An Oral History of Daily Life Behind the Iron Curtain

The Lost World of Communism is a three-part British documentary series which examines the legacy of communism twenty years on from the fall of the Berlin Wall. Produced by Peter Molloy and Lucy Hetherington, the series takes a retrospective look at life behind the Iron Curtain between 1945 and 1989, focusing on three countries in the Eastern Bloc - East Germany, Czechoslovakia ...

资源人龙骧 2017-01-10

***制作三集纪录片,记录了1945年至***共CHAN主YI铁幕下的东欧集团——东德、捷克斯洛伐克和**尼亚。通过电影和电视画面及个人回忆,讲述那些生活在共CHAN主YI统ZHI下人们的日常 生活。第1集《A Socialist Paradise》,第2集《The Kingdom of Forgetting》,第3集《Socialism in One Family》。

Tomas 2025-02-02


墨梵 2015-11-17



Socialists paradise, kingdom of forgetting, socialism in one family. Perhaps the three best portraits of communism and socialism, both in east Europe and china. 可惜没有得到更多新角度的发掘,更多的是再叙述。

无能狂怒人 2017-10-31


Kisurmeme 2017-03-18


Melancholy 2021-08-04

最有代入感的不出所料是**尼亚,被规划夺走土地而流离失所,住进不通水电没装窗户还要自己掏钱的集体房的农民,何其熟悉的场景……在捷克,布拉格之春的破灭击碎天堂的妄想,文化走在对抗极权的一线,叙述重心竟在两位歌手和一支摇滚乐队身上,Velvet Revolution的发起者哈维尔也是一名剧作家,爱听地下丝绒和摇滚乐,文化、音乐和良心,他们都要。从今天开始保存照片和视*,说不定哪天这部拍第四集就用得上了呢?(洗洗睡了,有梦谁都了不起)

nelory 2017-09-08

I thought I came to watch some different voices about communism...Well, no, it was still the old *** way of what they see as "communism"...