


演员: 威尔·莱曼 弗里德·德斯特 史蒂芬·寇贝尔 Douglas Rushkoff Scott



爱电影 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!



等待超人 Geoffrey Canada、George Reeves 8.2
设计面面观 Paola Antonelli、Chris Bangle 8.6
2. 大企业/ 07-25
6. 登堂入会/ 06-27
9. 走走停停/ 07-11
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 神偷奶爸4/ 06-08
12. 海关战线/ 06-14




讚世代原名:Generation Like,又名点赞时代

From PBS and Frontline: Thanks to social *****, today's teens are able to directly interact with their culture - artists, celebrities, movies, brands, and even one another - in ways never before possible. But is that real empowerment? Or do marketers still hold the upper hand? In Generation Like, author and FRONTLINE correspondent Douglas Rushkoff (The Merchants of Cool, The Pe...

72%海盐巧颗粒 2015-10-29


侯二六 2014-09-15


Svolta! 2017-02-22

Good critical documentary. Nothing too deep or mind-blowing, just what we (well, "we" as a selected few) know already, but depicted in a very concrete way, with various examples and specific strategies. It's a PBS documentary, not a philosophical or sociological essay...

容貌焦虑主理人 2015-11-30


Excelsior 2017-11-20


untamedheart 2014-09-14

your consumer is your marketer

高塔守夜人 2021-04-08


momo 2014-12-05

It's an era when consumers are also the marketers. Those kids have always been manipulated by companies with or without noticing. The bottom line is that they get the sense of acheivement through being liked.

张霹雳 2021-07-01

Can you really win when you don’t make the rules? 是个好问题 2014年就意识到consumer/marketer身份切换的问题了 看来digital *****过去这七年也没太大变化嘛

叠字锦 2019-10-25
