别名:The Pine Tree in the Mountain
演员: 鲍里斯·德沃尔尼克 Ivica Vidovic Charles Millot Ilija Ivezic Mate Ergovic
山上的松树原名:U Gori Raste Selen Bor,又名The Pine Tree in the Mountain
A ***** commissioner Ivica is sent to the lowland village in purpose of monitoring the partisan batch, made up of locals. Regardless of disagreements with their leader Dikan, they befriend and plan to evacuate the chief headquarters. Dikan also sees the opportunity to have his personal revenge on an Ustasha officer, responsible for death of one of his men. Written by Mario
二战电影馆 2020-08-17
sirius_flower 2024-03-31
南斯拉夫克罗地亚游击队与伪军的战斗 像一个抵抗**的切片 中央送达的政委如何与地方的队长在战斗与对俘虏的处理路线争论中完成互相的理解。片头与片尾的静止画面***完成对这一切片向不可见的前后时间的延伸。比较有趣的依然是苏东电影体系对好莱坞语法的有意识反抗,拒绝正反打 改用单镜头内变焦与运动来引导与跟随对话 并呈现人物关系的变化。里面的**场景也通过变焦到近景小草模糊化处理。这部里大远景的运用相对比较稀缺也很机械,反倒有大量特写,更加注重情节性推进。(不持枪的)音乐/手风琴手作为**的重要元素 扮演了有趣的角色