

演员: Neil Chinneck Steve Wickenden




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哪吒之魔童闹海 吕艳婷、囧森瑟夫 8.5
角斗士2 保罗·麦斯卡、佩德罗·帕斯卡 6.4
1. 唐探1900/ 03-07
2. 忠犬八公/ 10-12
3. 女囚风暴1995/ 10-12
4. 老师,别哭/ 10-24




上菜原名:Putting on the Dish,

London, 1962. Two strangers strike up a conversation on a park bench about life, love, *** and the hostile world they find themselves in as *** men. The topics might be commonplace, but the language isn't, because the two men are speaking in Polari - a mostly extinct form of *** slang used in Britain in the first half of the 20th century. Shedding light on a little-known and fa...

Virgil 2020-07-15

Some linguistic fun. Polari是曾经英国***界为识别同类和保护自身而采用的黑话,目前已经快失传了

Kid-King 2021-12-24

2/9 ∈ Boys On Film 15 Time & Tied|感谢讨论区的详解。同志暗黑年代。

完全 2020-03-07

6, 本来对英式乡村口语就不太感冒。 这部短片还是用的通俗语言Polari,难上加难。 *******上有导演上传的原片,评论区有解释,已摘到讨论区。 短片可以反应旧时社会一隅。