萨拉亚·阿布丁 第一季在线观看和下载

萨拉亚·阿布丁 第一季(2014)

别名:Saraya Abdee

演员: 尤斯拉 科赛·考利 内莉·卡里姆




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《萨拉亚·阿布丁 第一季》


萨拉亚·阿布丁 第一季原名:سرايا عابدين,又名Saraya Abdee

The story of Khedive of Egypt and Sudan (1863 - 1879) The grandson of Muhamed-Ali pasha was born in Cairo. After he received his education in Paris, he returned back to Egypt to become the Wali and Khedive of Egypt and Sudan. Being raised and educated in Europe, he greatly modernized Egypt and Sudan during his reign. "Egypt is no longer in Africa, we are a part of Europe" he sa...