演员: George Kennedy Richard Lynch Karen Black Claudia Udy Lance Henriksen
更新时间: 02-05 09:01
资源状态: 可播放
凶恶黎明原名:Savage Dawn,
Stryker, a former soldier arrives in the small Texas town of Aqua Dulce to visit his friend Tick Rand. Things good well till a biker gang who call themselves the "Savages" cause problems and later on take over the town. Stryker, who has had enough of fighting after being a soldier refuses to fight back till a tragedy happens.
怪兽阿飞069 2021-04-28
The ***** Lee 2020-07-13
醋酸綜合癥,2K修復。Such a stupid film. 動作戲不比其它戲種,拍爛真的很難看。 有趣點:男主輪廓硬朗。穿的夾克背後有中華民國國旗。這面旗一年後,在《壯志凌雲》阿湯哥那件夾克後面,又出現了。34年後,《壯志凌雲2》預告片,同樣一件夾克,旗已經不在了; 有華人龍套,講廣東話,還有一個留著辮子; 兩個**打架,比較醜的那位下手極重,很大力地捏漂亮姑**乳頭,好狠; 兩個油泵之間架一根木頭,中間綁一袋**,底下點個火,A few moments later,袋子穿了,油灑一地,著了,然後加油站,就炸了。夠粗暴。