Rupert and the Frog Song在线观看和下载

Rupert and the Frog Song(1985)




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《Rupert and the Frog Song》相关推荐

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《Rupert and the Frog Song》剧情内容介绍

《Rupert and the Frog Song》


Rupert and the Frog Song

Rupert Bear decides to head off for a walk on the hills. With his Mother's blessing, he sets off for a jolly trip, encountering his friends Edward Elephant and Bill Badger along the way, who are too busy to join him - Bill needs to look after his baby brother and Edward has to do some shopping. As Rupert reaches a hill, he props himself up against the trunk of an oak tree and e...

MillionPieces 2018-12-26

本片插曲由 Paul McCartney 作词作曲。其中<We All Stand Together>这首歌于1984年11月发行,登上了英国音乐排行榜第3名。本片于1984年获得了英国电影学院奖(BAFTA)“最佳动画短片奖”,并于1986年获得了格莱美“最佳音乐短片”提名。 "The ideas that turned me on as a kid are the same ones that fascinate me today. I don't know that we ever outgrow our passion for adventure, humor, or romance. There's a childlike quality to the art of animation and married with a bit of music, it seemed the perfect way to bring these magical stories to life. I hope you enjoy watching them as much as I enjoyed ****** them." -- Paul McCartney