全明星录像原名:All Star Video,
31:36, 1984, color, sound In this videotape, Nam June Paik pays tribute to a number of pop stars in his ***-cultural pantheon. He re-enacts certain Fluxus musical performances of the 1960s and 70s including those with the destruction of a piano and the concert with Charlotte Moorman on the cello. A synthesised Sakamoto portrait, an interview with Charlotte Moorman, interviews w...
熊仔俠 2017-04-16
激流派就是*,秒殺了電腦時代所創造的一切廉價而毫無實質意義的特效與濾鏡。坂本龍一名盤《音樂圖鑒》的Paradise Lost、A Tribute To N.J.P.、Replica太嗲了!
Zoe Diao 2023-01-05
muybien 2019-02-05
Ryan_gemini 2024-04-01
V-yramid的概念简单来讲是Views pyramid,在晶体管电视围成的空间内量化重复同一图像,达到**的虚构感,和把晾衣架做成城市雕塑有异曲同工之妙。突然发觉平时看了太多写实概念或者实体,很少能从**上被非写实性冲击到。/ 把人脸嵌进几何图形之中,对重点图像进行*闪处理,风格像立体派、拼贴艺术和自动化的结合体。/ 感谢白南准怼着龙一的脸拍,在纽约街头晃荡和采访凯奇的神颜大饱眼福。
小爱 2018-01-01
郭烛 2021-05-01