you telling me that this women right here is not putting everything on display, its clear what the goal of she is. dont be mad at me ** i didnt choose it to happen.
Slamdance #2 "I wanna know what this means...he said 'lol' instead of 'haha' and there **** 'y's in 'sorry'" get a load of high school drama, the kind I never lived and probably never will for ** whole life :-(
🍄 2022-09-17
you telling me that this women right here is not putting everything on display, its clear what the goal of she is. dont be mad at me ** i didnt choose it to happen.
长袜子 2022-12-31
Pincent 2021-02-26
7。#slamdance# 制作上的粗糙感在这种题材上感觉才是稍微合适一点,可能拍摄器材上都接近零成本,显然拍摄过程也一定带有不少即兴的内容,突然会觉得出现了那么1%的里维特痕迹。可能出现的问题就是镜头选择上的趋同,表演水平也会不平均。青春期的中二感是掩饰不住的,以至于结尾强行成长有些刻意了,不如更中二一点。
其实不叫大怪兽 2021-02-19
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2021-02-16
Slamdance #2 "I wanna know what this means...he said 'lol' instead of 'haha' and there **** 'y's in 'sorry'" get a load of high school drama, the kind I never lived and probably never will for ** whole life :-(