音乐总是美的,但是singing all over the place……第一幕看到最后就已经有了不好的预感,Nessun Dorma那里忍不住了跑去YT,看到留言说 "This guy is struggling and i don't believe he will be victorious when the sun comes up. He is going to get his head sawn off slowly with a butterknife by Turandot." I mean it's pretty mean but...yeah, the singing is VERY tepid.
Lausannarivera 2020-12-27
Helen 2023-07-03
7.5/10。 开始舞狮(龙?)一幕即已令人莫名其妙了,法场之上,需要如此欢庆?元朝大臣们穿得像大妈一般,不了解中国各朝*饰不同倒也罢了,缘何日本和*造型也出来了呢?皇帝竟然身着黑色上朝!随从侍卫佩戴**是什么鬼?图兰朵正式出场时,怎么看都像是武则天装扮。罢罢罢,我是来听(不是看)歌剧的,这些且都忍了吧。 当《Nessun Dorma》的咏叹调响起,我得到了很大安*。来自陌生男人的一记强吻融化了由冰墙铸就的公主的心,因为那是爱之吻。各位主演唱功不俗,感情充沛、演技在线。
自由行走的花 2020-08-14
音乐总是美的,但是singing all over the place……第一幕看到最后就已经有了不好的预感,Nessun Dorma那里忍不住了跑去YT,看到留言说 "This guy is struggling and i don't believe he will be victorious when the sun comes up. He is going to get his head sawn off slowly with a butterknife by Turandot." I mean it's pretty mean but...yeah, the singing is VERY tepid.