Hop on that Louis CK hate train with 1% of Louie's talent. But Louie is right, you are gonna smoke your career away with your lukewarm jokes, baked-as-**** delivery and half-assed attitude. But I do love the part where Pete tries to roast Ariana Grande, a self-procclaimed "black" caucasian 26-year-old with a pony tail and pop-garbage songs.
。 2020-05-08
「真是個小人 white trash。我要是看完我抽死我自己。一點不幽默,靠著諷刺CK和前任Grande來博取眼球,惡心到我了。*SNL裡最差的常駐嘉賓了吧!」
一直流到床单变 2021-09-04
不太行。不过对**** riding时不要来回滑的警告就非常受用。我也很怕,紧张的要命
脱*核糖十三 2020-03-19
Despite everything, for me, he is still that kid who looked so lost among the cast in Season 40 but also just fitted in perfectly. And Lorne Michaels might agree.
张乙心 2020-05-02
delicat 2020-02-26
算是把他这两年自从分手之后的经历差不多总结了一遍,独眼战斗英雄被骂,babysitting那个段子也曾被骂,跟Grande订婚被骂,分手被骂,很像是在用这个**澄清一些事情。 本来就是有精神疾病的人,粉丝回忆起来真的好心疼。录完这个特辑就去了rehab,现在还是好好的!!!所以叫Alive From New York! 因为他熬过来了!!!!
小捌 2020-02-26
love you pete did mulaney dress you for this pete you do look like a divorced mom shopping at banana republic
皮皮球 2020-03-02
White men be doing the bare minimum and still getting Netflix specials
CornPie 2020-02-27
至今不理解**人设以及直白消费前任的thank u next好听在哪里 pete这个成长背景好曲折啊 911肠胃病**成性精神健康再加上**订婚这一出 却成就了一个脆弱萎靡惹人爱的comedian 好好活下去啊!
Angry Amygdala 2020-02-27
Hop on that Louis CK hate train with 1% of Louie's talent. But Louie is right, you are gonna smoke your career away with your lukewarm jokes, baked-as-**** delivery and half-assed attitude. But I do love the part where Pete tries to roast Ariana Grande, a self-procclaimed "black" caucasian 26-year-old with a pony tail and pop-garbage songs.
。 2020-05-08
「真是個小人 white trash。我要是看完我抽死我自己。一點不幽默,靠著諷刺CK和前任Grande來博取眼球,惡心到我了。*SNL裡最差的常駐嘉賓了吧!」
一直流到床单变 2021-09-04
不太行。不过对**** riding时不要来回滑的警告就非常受用。我也很怕,紧张的要命
脱*核糖十三 2020-03-19
Despite everything, for me, he is still that kid who looked so lost among the cast in Season 40 but also just fitted in perfectly. And Lorne Michaels might agree.
张乙心 2020-05-02
delicat 2020-02-26
算是把他这两年自从分手之后的经历差不多总结了一遍,独眼战斗英雄被骂,babysitting那个段子也曾被骂,跟Grande订婚被骂,分手被骂,很像是在用这个**澄清一些事情。 本来就是有精神疾病的人,粉丝回忆起来真的好心疼。录完这个特辑就去了rehab,现在还是好好的!!!所以叫Alive From New York! 因为他熬过来了!!!!
小捌 2020-02-26
love you pete did mulaney dress you for this pete you do look like a divorced mom shopping at banana republic
皮皮球 2020-03-02
White men be doing the bare minimum and still getting Netflix specials
CornPie 2020-02-27
至今不理解**人设以及直白消费前任的thank u next好听在哪里 pete这个成长背景好曲折啊 911肠胃病**成性精神健康再加上**订婚这一出 却成就了一个脆弱萎靡惹人爱的comedian 好好活下去啊!
Sophie Z 2020-02-26