23.01 Sabine Devieilhe as Sr. Constance 22.08 “A story of women’s heroism that should inspire us all” 19.05 “we do not *** for ourselves alone, but we *** for each other, or probably even instead of each other"
ikoshirly 2019-05-19
薛定谔的猫粮 2020-03-31
唱得真好,喜欢Sister Constance的女高音,Madame de Croissy的女低音。结局虽然已经知道,但看着修女们一个个赴死,还是好感动。
橙司徒 2020-11-18
四月份没能看完,只看了一半而已,已经被震慑得五体投地。Karita Mattila演技爆发,Leonard人美心善,演Blanche也非常适合。
Zerbinetto 2022-08-28
23.01 Sabine Devieilhe as Sr. Constance 22.08 “A story of women’s heroism that should inspire us all” 19.05 “we do not *** for ourselves alone, but we *** for each other, or probably even instead of each other"
ikoshirly 2019-05-19
薛定谔的猫粮 2020-03-31
唱得真好,喜欢Sister Constance的女高音,Madame de Croissy的女低音。结局虽然已经知道,但看着修女们一个个赴死,还是好感动。
霜风凝 2023-11-02
伊艮聪 2023-09-20
2023年**歌剧院版(Sydney Place Verona). Pray is duty. Martyrdom is reward. Wrong cloak at the cloak room.