70 critics and filmmakers ******* cinema from the age old conflict between the artist and the observer, the creator and the critic. From 1998 to 2007, Kleber Mendonça Filho has collected points of view about this relationship in Brazil, USA and Europe, using his personal experience as both filmmaker and critic. Crítico opens a window to an art which is **** and **** judged by t...
胤祥 2020-03-27
可能是看得最费劲的一部片子。只有葡语字幕,但还有英法西三种语言,靠*******自动字幕和谷歌翻译勉勉强强看完。小克莱伯·门多萨做记者跑电影节的时候拍摄的**采访(1998-2007)+found footage的一些电影和广告片段,**名导+著名影评人,以及**的导演和影评人们,主要聊了电影评论与电影工业和电影人的关系以及对其的意义。的确是个很适合门多萨做的片子。 *******在线【 https://***.***********/watch?v=j_stBWPEMQc&t=1197s 】