《Picasso and Braque Go to the Movies》下载资源
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Margrét Dagmar Ericsdottir、David G. Amaral 8.5 Frances Anderton、Tom Ford 8.6 《Picasso and Braque Go to the Movies》剧情内容介绍
《Picasso and Braque Go to the Movies》
Picasso and Braque Go to the Movies
一只麦麦 2011-07-18
Han 2013-01-11
好看!虽然我没有被片子的论点说*-***和布拉克的绘画受到早起电影的决定性影响(比如Accordionist是因为电影Accordion的启发,或者Les Demoiselles d'Avignon的形式是因为serpentine dance),但是拍的好看!节奏好,讲话的人感觉都非常可靠,片中的影像也很好得融入了讲稿。
fro🌈t 2012-03-26
没静电 2012-03-24
Directed by Martin Scorsese, the movie, including interviews with many eminent artists as Chuck Close, Lucas Samaras, shed a new light on our understanding of cubist, and open a window to the extraordinary orginality of the early 20th-century movies. Bravo !
XYG是小竹子呀 2020-04-09
典型的纪录片模式。大概了解了cubism的**意。羡慕Picasso和Braque之间知音的感觉。后面Chuck Close出现是个小惊喜。