保罗·麦卡特尼莫斯科红场演唱会原名:Paul McCartney in Red Square,
曲目: 1. Getting Better 2. Band on the Run 3. Can't Buy Me Love 4. Two of Us 5. I Saw Her Standing There 6. We Can Work It Out 7. I've Just Seen a Face 8. Live and Let *** 9. Let 'Em In 10. The Fool on the Hill 11. Things We Said Today 12. Birthday 13. Maybe I'm Amazed 14. Back in the U.S.S.R. 15. Calico Skies 16. Hey Jude 17. She's Leaving Home 18. Yesterday 19. Let It Be 20. Ba...
木石子 2020-01-08
Sydney 2021-01-16
英伦入侵东欧 Beatles撼动苏维埃政权 60年代初****时的勃兴与希望到60中期勃列日涅夫时入侵捷克斯洛伐克 动荡与禁抑使得摇滚与自由越发神圣 他们只凭一张照片去想象动起来的Beatles和他们身后的世界 猜想谁是哪一个Beatle Paul在俄罗斯简直是国家元首的待遇 红场十二万人的演唱会 what a life!
天书译者 2022-12-15
Joey Dolores 2023-11-26
“From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.” A British man said these words then an iron curtain was built in 1946. “Remember to let her into your heart. Then you can start to make it better.” Another British man sang songs of wisdom, peace and love then broke that curtain in 2003.
晓口袋 2019-12-29
《Paul McCartney in Red Square》,《How the Beatles Rocked the Kremlin》和《Back in the World》,打包处理。台下普京。
momo 2021-02-24
***做得可真好啊Paul状态也超好意外的唱了calico skies(´▽`)ノ♪
我爱一条柴 2021-08-03
老**歌曲在红场让天地失色。 Paul唱hey jude的时候 底下有个年轻人没有和观众摇摆 而是热泪盈眶的看着paul 嘴长着想说点什么。Beatles给几代人的青春。
Adriano Agie。 2022-05-28
柳叶刀削面 2020-03-22
本来以为是普通演唱会,没想到更偏向纪录片。前半部分穿插的是俄罗斯人对苏联时期文化禁令的思考(discs of the bone也太酷了,残忍的浪漫至高的自由)后半部分是泡来***,去学校看合唱团唱yesterday,听**小天才演奏……也太好了吧!!!
Frankenstard 2019-04-11