只有在美国原名:Only in America,
This is an educational video teaching American English at beginner level. Everyone here at ***.viney.uk**** was cheering loudly for Edward Norton following his 1999 Academy Award nomination as Best Actor. Edward Norton features in Only in America in a variety of roles. As you can guess they were filmed only just before he shot to fame in "Primal Fear". Ed was magic on camera, a...
北美第一软妹 2020-02-25
#瞬间收藏家# 2023-04-26
古早英语教学节目,来看的大概都是因为里面有诺顿吧233惊现trump tower2333 2010-04-30想看
Vague Edge 2024-02-10
糯顿太可爱了呜呜呜 我死了我死了这是哪家的小可爱!!!
自动隐身下线 2019-10-24
青隹 2021-08-23
看到了顿的镜头首秀😭 太青春了太好看了太蛊了 一个小动作能记一辈子 为什么我没有这种同学😭 熟 趁年轻多出来耍耍 好吗😭
Capariel 2021-05-11
Cherry 2020-01-16