Nosferasta: First Bite
Nosferasta is the first iteration of a Rastafarian vampire film starring and co-written by Oba, a Trinidadian artist and musician based in Brooklyn. Spanning 500 years of colonial destruction, human trafficking and blood sucking, the film reimagines Oba’s origin story. In the late 15th century, Oba is shipped as cargo from West Africa to the Caribbean, where he is bitten and co...
Una无缘早睡 2022-10-19
2022-10-16 Rotterdam Ammodo Tiger Short Film Marathon #07。又殖民片,睡到失忆。这次选片真的很类型化,完全可以整整齐齐划分为1. 殖民 2. ** 3. 创伤三个轨道。
Legs 2022-02-10
IFFR 2022 Ammodo Tiger Short Competition - Ammodo Tiger Short Awards
刘小黛 2022-02-06
胤祥 2022-02-20
#IFFR51# Ammodo Tiger Short Competition-金虎奖。手法繁复,“吸血鬼化”的***与当下纽约黑人参与影片拍摄的并置;对殖**义话语/影像的批判性思考。作为半部叶子片,用360°影像来表示飞大了的状态也挺有意思。
blood orange 2022-02-03
#iffr_2022* 短片金虎,一部可以追溯到 1492 年的殖民编年史。
废话队长 2022-01-28
抛开书本 2022-02-09
竹兮 2022-02-15
IFFR2022. 3.5 殖民史的别样书写。以吸血鬼的形象表现被奴役与被迫臣*的无奈,历史的厚重感并未被消解,反而更加沉重。记忆、历史与当下的交织,以过往的身体参与,以当下的身体观看,戏谑地完成了时空的闭环。时空不断更迭,幽灵从未远去。