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Night of the Damned(1971)

别名:La notte dei dannati Italy / La nuit des damnés / Les nuits sexuelles / Night of the Sexual Demons

演员: Pierre Brice ... Jean Duprey Mario Carra ... Guillaume de Saint Lambert Daniela D'Agostino Angela De Leo ... Rita Lernod ........




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《Night of the Damned》相关推荐

邪魔入侵 Eric Larson、Francine Lapensée 6.1
魔鬼的面具 乔万尼·圭代利、黛伯拉·卡普瑞里奥
1. 性感食人族/ 07-05
4. 恶魔之魂/ 10-31
5. 毁灭者/ 11-02
7. Demon Slaughter/ 11-22
9. 走走停停/ 07-11
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 神偷奶爸4/ 06-08
12. 海关战线/ 06-14

《Night of the Damned》剧情内容介绍

《Night of the Damned》


Night of the Damned又名La notte dei dannati Italy、La nuit des damnés、Les nuits sexuelles、Night of the Sexual Demons

Jean Duprey and his wife Danielle are famous journalists with a special interest in unsolved mysteries. They receive a request of **** by an old noble friend of Jean, Guillaume de Saint Lambert, who is about to *** by an unknown illness. He lives, obviously, in ancient castle with his wife and the servants. Soon Duprey discover that his friend's wife is a witch (originally burn...