太像是好莱坞魔幻大片中的“异星世界”了!!远远看去,阿尔及利亚的一切都无比奇特、**,充满着让人目眩神迷的魔力…… ps. Armand Amar配乐yyds!
kakaka 2022-12-19
哇 一望无垠的黄沙 还有15000副史前岩画的色法尔古城!
Pam 2019-12-23
Totally fascinated by the landscape as well as the music, especially the latter, surprisingly. For me, Arabic music, just like symphonies, cannot be set as soundtrack while you are walking, riding a bike or doing whatsoever, coz it is just so out of context. You have to sit down somewhere to really appreciate it because of its particularity.
Claudia 2022-05-16
星尘 2021-07-25
太像是好莱坞魔幻大片中的“异星世界”了!!远远看去,阿尔及利亚的一切都无比奇特、**,充满着让人目眩神迷的魔力…… ps. Armand Amar配乐yyds!
kakaka 2022-12-19
哇 一望无垠的黄沙 还有15000副史前岩画的色法尔古城!
Pam 2019-12-23
Totally fascinated by the landscape as well as the music, especially the latter, surprisingly. For me, Arabic music, just like symphonies, cannot be set as soundtrack while you are walking, riding a bike or doing whatsoever, coz it is just so out of context. You have to sit down somewhere to really appreciate it because of its particularity.
宜蘭七仔烤鮭魚 2020-09-07
感谢Z同学在流星雨观测彻夜长谈时的推荐。尽管如此,那本法语书我还是没有读完第一章。 @2019-10-07 22:01:15 @2020-05-21 11:31:42