

别名:Naked Rider

演员: Gerald Richards Edmund Genest



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老师,别哭 董钒、王浩宇
学爸 黄渤、单禹豪 6.0
1. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
2. 坠落的审判/ 12-25
3. 悟·空/ 06-04
4. 默杀/ 09-18




年轻的妻子们原名:All the Young Wives,又名Naked Rider

Set in a small Southern town, All the Young Wives revolves around a nasty rancher Big Jim.  Big Jim is big in every way in the town and county. He owns most of the land, all the banks, newspapers and has the politicians right in his back pocket. He has a few passions that include horse racing and a burning desire to breed a winning racehorse.  His other passion is bedding all the...