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Record high oil prices, global warming, and an insatiable demand for energy: these issues will be the catalyst for heated debates and positive change for many years to come. 2008 Sundance award-winning film FUEL exposes shocking connections between the auto industry, the oil industry and the government, while exploring alternative energies such as solar, wind, electricity and n...

summer sunset 2014-11-30

2008年拍这部纪录片的人肯定没料想到今天Shale Revolution带来的冲击。电影里为了美国未来所做的绿色能源推广与宣传在shale energy的利益面前再次被忽略...

Eric 2010-10-17

通用电动车之死 ,普锐斯 刹车门,biodiesel 不能在立法层面 推广 都是因为 躲在石油巨头背后的政府的利益 不能被触动 。uncle sam 不同意

k_banana 2018-09-02


Vincent‘s Ear 2012-10-06

biofuel真的这么好?!uncle sam的人把所谓的地沟油用在了废料供能上,但是我们却用在了餐桌上。。。我们已经没有了选择自己政治家的权利,但是就连选择人性的意志都那么薄弱,不是我们做不到而是我们太浮躁

f 2010-11-27

"some see things as they are, and say, why? I dream of things never were, and say, why not". Can we deal with this problem?