Ne daj se, Nina!在线观看和下载

Ne daj se, Nina!(2007)

别名:Don't Give Up, Nina

演员: Lana Gojak Robert Kurbaša Petar Ćiritović




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《Ne daj se, Nina!》相关推荐

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《Ne daj se, Nina!》剧情内容介绍

《Ne daj se, Nina!》


Ne daj se, Nina!又名Don't Give Up, Nina

Nina Brlek is a kind, intelligent, ***** young woman. She grows up in Zagreb with her parents Vlado and Mira and her brother Davor. Brlek has excellent grades and perfect curriculum, but fails to find a good *** because of her looks. She tries to get a *** at H-Moda, a fashion company directed by Victor Glowatzky, who plans to retire, and pass his business to his son, David. Th...