Frank Ocean - After Frank Ocean released his extremely low-key new visual album Endless, reports circulated that another album - his proper follow-up to Channel Orange, the ******* formerly known as Boys Don't Cry - was coming this weekend. That second album isn't here yet, but we got its presumptive lead single this morning, and woooooo. "Nikes" is a shimmering, half-conscious...
肉尊 2019-05-15
2016金髮 **里的尤利西斯,意识河流的流动让我想起了很多东西,那种犹如**般的五彩梦境让人沉迷,耐克,**,镁光灯下的舞台一个人在**,我怀念那些**的**和**,独角兽上沐浴的天使,像人偶般**的**少女,纸醉金迷池中的模特天使,美好的人和事物总是*** too young 亦或者是活着的人抱着的相框中死去的人,表弟新买的装在玻璃箱中的***,和自己关系冷淡的parents,也可能是被俄狄浦斯王附体的**子母,那年夏天我们躺在草坪,磕着药,做着爱,**这一切,现在你的创伤是另一个人的summer sadness,是我一个人带上mask,在落地橱柜里点燃肉身。 那天我喜欢穿着nikes开着汽车,在日落大道上想起这些五彩的琴键,我喜欢脑子里的蒙太奇,现实中的这些真实的不得了。。。。。
cold&numb 2019-08-25
余弦不闲 2024-09-06