

演员: 大卫·海曼 乌多·基尔 Olivia Silhavy




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音乐 阿廖沙·施耐德、阿珈特·波尼茨 6.6
过去,如今和之后 哈皮·萨尔玛、劳拉·巴苏基 6.1
1. 线/ 09-29
3. 护照伪造者/ 02-15
4. 圣奥梅尔/ 06-17
5. 直到夜尽头/ 05-23
6. 完美的日子/ 01-21
7. 迪斯科男孩/ 10-20
8. 小白船/ 04-25
9. 老师,别哭/ 09-02
10. 默杀/ 07-21
11. 学爸/ 10-14
12. 狗阵/ 08-21




我的邻居阿道夫原名:My Neighbor, Adolf,

Brazil, May 1960. Just a few days after the abduction of fugitive Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann by Mossad agents in Argentina. Polsky (70), a lonely, misanthropic, grumbling Holocaust survivor lives in one of a couple of isolated houses on a hill on the outskirts of a Brazilian suburb. He spends his days playing chess and tending his beloved rose bushes. Polsky's next door neigh...

月亮出來了 2022-08-04

#75th_Locarno 很有喜感的一部片

Sid 2022-06-02

把***的身份叙事放到日常语境中来讲还是挺有意思的 全片还有点荒诞喜剧的元素