我兄弟的婚礼原名:My Brother's Wedding,
Pierce Mundy works at his parents' South Central dry cleaners with no prospects for the future and his childhood buddies are in prison or dead. With his best friend just getting out of jail and his brother busy planning a wedding to a snooty upper-middle-class black woman, Pierce navigates his conflicting obligations while trying to figure out what he really wants in life. ** B...
[Deleted] 2021-04-22
第一次看Charles Burnett的**裔新现实主义电影,时间节点上类比Cane River(1982),却又如jungle fever(1991)中的背景故事;这种现实主义风格有别于既往黑人电影中泛滥的暴力性与**,随**和经济发展进一步拉大的贫富差距或旧有的阶层差距的定位在影片中呼之欲出,可看作成为斯派克李式社区文化前的一个阶段,或者说和意大利裔教父一样,同时期**裔在寻找属于自身新风格的缩影
Gummo 2023-04-12
追逐戏太出彩!很少能看进去黑人电影 除了Charles Burnett 角色与环境/声音/摄影机融合地太完美 反好莱坞也区别于欧洲现实主义 自成一套内容与艺术体系 很多镜头灵光乍泄 以作家导演为名当之无愧 (有幸坐在导演旁边听他叨叨)
圓 2008-03-31
今ヶ瀬 2018-03-27
78mins director's cut 这样的L.A. Rebellion究竟在何处progressive
ミエ 2020-06-06
兄弟死了 不好意思 我不觉得可惜,一个只把**当动物的费皮囊有什么好可惜? 但是back到阶级矛盾 就是那手里摸不透的戒指。
pro-tein 2020-12-10
The live doesn’t wait, nor the dead.