别名:Necropolis Symphony
演员: Eduardo Durão Paulo Jordão Germano Melo Adriana Mendonça Luciana Paes
上映时间:2014-07-23(保利尼亚电影节) / 2016-04-14(巴西)
墓地交响乐原名:Sinfonia da Necrópole,又名Necropolis Symphony
The routine of an inept apprentice gravedigger changes when a new employee arrives at the cemetery. Together they must locate abandoned graves, but strange events make them think about the implications of tampering with the dead.
字母君 2024-01-15
对比本片和《生前之日》,会让人觉得《苦差事》更偏向杜特拉(古法革新),而《好孩子》则更偏向罗夏斯(元素杂糅)。 歌舞段落比后来作品更加简单随性,喜剧氛围也更均匀,不至于像《好孩子》那样让后半段变成一个为结局而结局的笨重拖尾,不过导演关于earthscraper的构想实在是脑洞有限,不如再来中国见识见识一人只挤一个盒的集约式公墓,感受一点小小的火葬震撼……