Mr. Moto's Gamble在线观看和下载

Mr. Moto's Gamble(1938)

演员: 彼得·洛 陆锡麒 Dick Baldwin 琳恩·巴里




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《Mr. Moto's Gamble》剧情内容介绍

《Mr. Moto's Gamble》


Mr. Moto's Gamble原名:Mr. Moto's Gamble,

A boxer dies in the prizefight ring, and detective Mr. Moto is called in when it turns out to be murder. What Moto uncovers, with the **** of Charlie Chan's son Lee, is a gangland gambling racket.

赱馬觀♣ 2014-05-15


HurryShit 2016-02-15

****://***.davidbordwell****/blog/2007/03/16/charlie-meet-kentaro/ Bordwell認為是Mr. Moto系列最好的一片,而那個用特效達成的Toland式大深焦,確實點睛。推理主線之外,沉著冷靜的Mr. Moto/兩個goofy小呆瓜。前後兩次拳擊賽,場上搏鬥與場外觀眾反應(加強懸念)的交叉剪接。