

别名:We Had the Day, Bonsoir

演员: Michel Haas

上映时间:2022-07-06(马赛电影节) / 2022-10-20(DOK Leipzig) / 2023-01-26(鹿特丹电影节)



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北族人 安东尼娅·吉森、Francisco Visceral 7.0
万恶的庭院 André Gil Mata、Catarina Lacerda
3. 水母的面孔/ 02-12
4. 正如其貌/ 04-21
5. 阒静小姐/ 05-20
6. 河流/ 12-23
7. 伊沃/ 01-26
8. 风吹过坟墓/ 02-18
9. 走走停停/ 07-11
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 神偷奶爸4/ 06-08
12. 海关战线/ 06-14




美妙的一天,晚安原名:On a eu la journée, bonsoir,又名We Had the Day, Bonsoir

An act of love, the portrait of a painter, an ode to life… We had the day bonsoir is all these things. “It’s in the sound of an ending that the music of the living is played, of which we are all, wherever we’re present, an invented note.” These are Narimane Mari’s words to describe the film made in tribute to her late partner, the painter Michel Hass. As the notes of Amor Amor ...

dama 2024-01-02


滅质體下墜 2024-02-17
