Mirai Moriyama / Re: Incarnation在线观看和下载

Mirai Moriyama / Re: Incarnation(2021)


演员: 森山未来




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《Mirai Moriyama / Re: Incarnation》相关推荐

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《Mirai Moriyama / Re: Incarnation》剧情内容介绍

《Mirai Moriyama / Re: Incarnation》


Mirai Moriyama / Re: Incarnation又名森山未来@京都清水寺

On March 11, 2021, a new form of prayer was born at Kiyomizu-dera, Kyoto Prefecture. Dancer and actor Mirai Moriyama dedicated his performance to the Buddhist temple upon completion of its large-scale renovation, done every 200 years. The motif he chose was Kusozu, a 1,000-year-old illustration of the decaying process of a corpse. He conducted fieldwork at sacred sites around K...

TairAlex 2021-08-11

看完奥运开幕知道的森山未来与舞踏、看这个才知道日本**也有类似白骨观的九相。别搭理庸俗的沙文主义**。standing on the boundary of death reveals the vigor of living;butoh dance is a skill that shows how to cross the river to the afterlife and how to handle your inverted body on the other side.

樱桃之远 2021-08-10


颜落寒 2021-08-10
