

演员: Marguerite Duras(archive footage)




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塞壬拓扑学 考特妮·斯蒂芬斯、Whitney Johnson 7.4
水后 Signe Westberg、Ton Gras 7.0
1. 超自然/ 03-13
2. 标本集/ 06-19
3. 地底太阳/ 02-20
4. 鸟类的语言/ 03-22
5. 红树林学校/ 03-25
7. 交错的声音/ 04-01
8. Abyss/ 04-08
9. 老师,别哭/ 09-02
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
12. 坠落的审判/ 12-25




玛格丽特·杜拉斯,写作与生活原名:Marguerite Duras—L’écriture et la vie,

25 years ago, Marguerite Duras passed away at the age of 81. At the evocation of this name, one spontaneously thinks of the intellectual superstar Duras, adulated or hated, with her big glasses and turtleneck, who received the Goncourt prize for her mythical novel, "L'Amant". But behind the superstar writer, who either fascinates or annoys, and behind his double novel, the youn...

竹兮 2022-03-25

4.0 影像式的人物传记,素材整合得特别好,形式也好玩,61分钟的巨量信息载入…杜拉斯的气质在某种程度上和金斯伯格遥相呼应,坚韧而强大。